Here is another offer from! Buy Butterbeer! It is great tasting, comes in an authentic bottle, and is great for parties! Just $5 will get you a 16 oz. bottle of Butterbeer!
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You should recieve a confirmation email within the next week. After that, the Butterbeer should arrive within 3 weeks. The cost of each bottle is $5.00(wow!)Plus $2.00 S&H. Each bottle is 16 oz. and is perfect for show, decoration, or just collection! Please check below either check or cash:
Check!(Make payable to="Christopher Kostick")
Press "send" below to send with our company owl, Rooper!
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news--------------links--------------Stuff!--------------Send me Feedback!-------------Trelawneys Chrystal ball!--------------Buy a Wand! Cheap!--------------Head Wizard!--------------Fare & Clickston's Book of Spells----------------Order Butterbeer!---------------S.A.D.A.---------------New!!! HP Theme Park!!!